Monday 1 June 2020

How to calculate load carrying capacity of the column


    Load = 400 kN

    Column size = 300mm×300mm

  No of steel bar used in column 4 nos

Diameter of bar used in column = 16mm

M20 grade concrete used 

Grade of steel = Fe 415 

     Pu = (0.4fck.Ac)+(0.67fy Asc)

   ( From IS-456 2000 code page no 71)

Where .

     Pu = axial load on the member
     Ac = area of concrete 
    fck = characteristic compressive 
              strength of the concrete 
      fy = characteristic strength of the
              compression reinforcement 
   Asc = area of longitudinal reinforceme
              -nt for column
      fck = 20
        fy = 415 

    Ac = Ag-Asc
    Ag = gross area of column 

    Ag = 300×300 mm square 
          = 90000 mm square 

   Asc = 4×((3.14×16×16)÷4) mm square 
           = 804.24 mm square 

    Ac = (90000-804.24) mm square 
          = 89196 mm square 

   Pu = (0.4×20×89196)+(0.67×415×804)
         = 937120.1 N
         = 937.1 kN ans.

According to the IS-456 2000 
Safety of factor = load /1.5
                               = 624.74 kN

Note: for more information watch video link below.


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