Friday 15 May 2020

What is bricks | types of bricks

What is brick
          A brick is building material used to make walls. Pavements and other elements in masonry construction. Traditionally term brick referred to a unite composed of clay, but it is now used to denote rectangular units of clay - bearing soil, sand, lime and concrete materials. 

Types of bricks 
        (i) burnt clay brick 
       (ii) fly ash brick 
      (iii) concrete brick 

(i) What is burnt clay brick
           Burnt clay bricks are the classic form of brick created by pressing wet clay into molds, then drying and firing then in kilns. This is a very old building materials. Type of brick found in many of the ancient structures of the world. 

(ii) What is fly ash brick 
           Fly ash brick is a building materials specifically masonry units containing class fly ash and water compressed at 28 mpa (272 atm) and cured for 24 hours in 66• c steam bath then toughened with an air entrainment agent.

(iii) What is concrete brick 
              Concrete brick is a mixture of cement and aggregate, sand and cement formed in molds and cured. Certain mineral colours are added to produce a concrete brick resembling clay.

Note: watch above information explain in video link below.              

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